Long time, no blog! ;-)
What a busy past 3 weeks we have had. I mentioned my sister & Mom coming for a visit in my last post, and then us going up to Maine for a week. What I didn't mention was the reason for the visit. Well my Mom & sister never need a reason to visit, but this visit was really not planned and more of a spur of the moment thing.
My sister was layed off work after 24 years in the medical field, and as she was struggling with what she was going to do for income I was struggling with my business and if I wanted to continue with it. My business has been an unbelievable blessing to me and something I built up over the past 4 years. I loved doing it, but struggled with the time it took away from my home and family. I have always been family orientated and prided myself on always being a SAHM and available to my children & husband 24/7, but the business changed that! I kept thinking it would all eventually balance out, and not take as much of my time, but the business kept growing and expanding to the point that I realized I couldn't do both and I was sacrificing the one thing I never thought I would! My children. :(
The timing could not have been more perfect. When Lisa told me she was getting layed-off and not sure what she was going to do. I knew the answer! Ed & I talked about it and mulled it over for about a week and then I casually asked her in one of our many conversations if she was interested in taking over my business. She was, and the rest is history! We immediately made plans for her to come down to Ky to learn the business, and then Ed and I drove everything up to Maine and helped her set up shop! We all have had a great time over the past two weeks, and now we are back home in Ky, and "Palmer Falls Primitive" now resides in Gorham, Maine! I know Lisa will continue to grow the business as I have done these past 4 years, and I know without a doubt she will continue to produce the quality signs and furniture that Palmer Falls has become known for!
May her new venture be a blessing to her and her beautiful family. I love ya Sis! ;-)
Now there is noway my sister and I are going to get together and not do some prim & antique shopping.
She took me to a great prim shop in Buxton, ME called "The Mustard House", and I picked myself up a few treasures.
Ed & I headed to NY after our stay in Maine so we could see some of our family and visit my grandma! Grandma is 97 years old and the best Grandma anyone could ask for. When Mom was down in Ky we got a phone call that Grama wasn't doing well, and her time may be short, so I thought it a perfect opportunity to go see her while we were up that way. I am so glad that we did! Isn't she the cutest!? I love you Gramma!
Since being back home in Ky we have been busy with our kids and their birthdays, baseball practice and the beautiful weather...which we have taken advantage of. We have the vegetable garden all tilled, composted, and ready for planting... which we did a bit of today. The greenbeans are in as well as the squash and cantalope.
I started the seeds before we left for Maine and they are doing stupendous! I'll probably get some more in while Ed is away next week. I love working in the garden, and I have my little helper too!
Yesterday was my oldest daughter Megan's Birthday, so we spent the day at Saunders Springs having a BBQ and enjoying the weather.
Hard to believe my baby is now 19 years old. What an unbelievable blessing she has been to raise. A beautiful young women both outside and inside. I love you angle face!
Thats about it for today my friends. No updates on the remodel because there have been none! ;-)
Hopefully when Ed returns from this trip we will be getting that kitchen finished up! I hope so. With summer fast approaching there is so much we want to get to outside, and I am so looking forward to all the things we have planned. Now that I don't have a large part of my time tied up with the business I may actually get to all those things I have been putting off for years! I feel like a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders and I am excited about the changes this decision will bring into our lives.
Oh, I almost forgot that when Lisa showed up in my driveway she came with a gift for her big sister!
I have two antique jugs from a stoneware co. in Ft. Edward, NY...a town close to where we grew up. I have a 1 & 2 gal, and have been searching for a 3 gal. My sweet dear sister gave me her 3 gal. jug! Isn't she the greatest!?
The three of the jugs together on my hearth! They look amazing!
Thanks for stopping by and be blessed my friends!